
Is Bhakti Stronger than God?

By:Mahanidhi Swami

Jai Sri Radhe, Vedas say asam urdhva no ONE is equal to or greater than Krsna. I agree 100 % BUT krsna himself says radhika prema guru, ami sishya nath which means Sri Radhika is my prem guru and I am Her dancing student. The pure love of Priyaji Radha is STRONGER THAN KRSNA. By that pure love Radha defeats and controls Bhagavan Sri Krsna. By that pure love Yasoda binds Damodara. By that pure love Subal pins Shyam under him when they wrestle. and by that pure love you can become stronger than god. No person is stronger than Krsna BUT the quality of sweet vraj prema is stronger than God Sri Krsna. May you I and all the devotees of Gauranga Mahaprabhu attain sweet vraj prema in this life.

Om Tat Sat!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe!!

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