Tag Archive for: SrimadBhagavatam

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

Srimad Bhagavatam is called the “king of all spiritual books” (Grantha Raja) for good reason. Within this tri-guna-free, immaculate and divine spiritual sastra, the amala purana, one will find all the sweet, majestic and beautiful truths about the sadhana and sadhya (daily practices and perfection) of Gaudiya Vaisnavism.

In his most merciful and wonderful sastra, Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, Sri Krishna Dasa Kaviraja summarizes all the teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the six Goswamis of Vrindavana. Throughout the book he cites key Bhagavatam verses to prove these truths, which the Goswamis themselves also discuss in their works.

To highlight its importance for all devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Radha-Govinda Yugala, the same Bhagavatam verse is quoted once, twice or even four times in the Sri Caitanya Caritamrta.

With the grace of Sri Advaita Prabhu, Sri Guru and the Vaisnavas, the “Beautiful Truths of Bhagavata” series will focus on these Bhagavatam verses that reveal the absolute truth about Sri Krishna, Sri Radha, Sri Guru, Vaisnavas, Bhakti Sadhana, Sri Harinama and Krishna Prema.


The first post in this series discussed Guru tattva. Now we will present the key Srimad Bhagavatam verses describing the identity of Krishna’s devotees, associating with them and serving these compassionate and tangible mercy forms of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

All sincere sadhakas should learn and reflect upon these verses. Absorbing, understanding and implementing these truths will strengthen your faith, expand your joy, and double your enthusiasm to love, serve and respect all the humble servants of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna.

Devotees Live in Damodara’s Heart

sādhavo hṛdayaṁ mahyaṁ sādhūnāṁ hṛdayaṁ tv aham
mad-anyat te na jānanti nāhaṁ tebhyo manāg api

Sri Krishna says, “O Sage Durvasa! Saintly devotees are always in the core of My heart. And I am always in their hearts. They know nothing but Me, and I know nothing but them.” (Srimad Bhagavatam  9.4.68/Caitanya Caritamrita 1.1.62)

Krishna Devotees Are Walking Holy Places

bhavad-vidhā bhāgavatās tīrtha-bhūtāḥ svayaṁ vibho
tīrthī-kurvanti tīrthāni svāntaḥ-sthena gadābhṛtā

When Vidura returned from his tirtha-yatra, Maharaja Yudhisthira said, “O Vibho! Devotees like yourself are the embodiments of all holy places. Because you carry Bhagavan Sri Krishna within your heart, you turn all places into holy tirthas.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.13.10/Caitanya Caritamrita 1.1.63)

Six Ornaments of a Devotee

titikṣavaḥ kāruṇikāḥ suhṛdaḥ sarva-dehinām
ajāta-śatravaḥ śāntāḥ sādhavaḥ sādhu-bhūṣaṇāḥ

“Devotees are adorned with the six good qualities of being tolerant, merciful, friendly to all beings, without enemies, peaceful, and straightforward.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 3.25.21/Caitanya Caritamrita 2.22.81)

Serving Saints Gives Liberation

mahat-sevāṁ dvāram āhur vimuktes tamo-dvāraṁ yoṣitāṁ saṅgi-saṅgam
mahāntas te sama-cittāḥ praśāntā vimanyavaḥ suhṛdaḥ sādhavo ye

“Serving saintly devotees opens the door of liberation. Whereas, association with men connected with women opens the door to hellish life. The saintly are very peaceful, pride-less, kind to all and well-behaved.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 5.5. 2/Caitanya Caritamrita 2.22.82)

Sri Visvanatha Cakravartipada says sadhavah means “those who do not see fault in others.

Unique Rarity of Krishna Bhaktas

muktānām api siddhānāṁ nārāyaṇa-parāyaṇaḥ
sudurlabhaḥ praśāntātmā koṭiṣv api mahā-mune

“Among all the perfect ones, the blissful devotee of Narayana/Sri Krishna is very rare—one in a million.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 6.14.5/Caitanya Caritamrita 2.19.150)

Sri Krishna Saves His Devotees

sva-pāda-mūlam bhajataḥ priyasya tyaktānya-bhāvasya hariḥ pareśaḥ
vikarma yac cotpatitaṁ kathañcid dhunoti sarvaṁ hṛdi sanniviṣṭaḥ

“One who gives up all other engagements to surrender to the lotus feet of Sri Hari is very dear to Bhagavan. Indeed, if such a dedicated soul accidentally commits a sin, Antaryami Sri Krishna within one’s heart, immediately removes the sinful reaction.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 11.5.42/Caitanya Caritamrita 2.22.144)

Srila Prabhupada tika: Although a beloved child may accidentally commit an abominable activity, the loving father forgives the child, taking into consideration the actual good intentions of the child.

Although the devotee does not ask Sri Krishna to free him the future suffering from his sins, Sri Krishna, by His own sweet will, frees the devotee from the reactions to accidental fall downs.

This causeless mercy of Sri Krishna upon His devotee is His param- aisvaryam, or supreme opulence. Gradually the faithful devotee becomes pure and free from sins just by thinking of and serving Govinda’s lotus feet. Thus Krishna bhaktas are never actually defeated in life.

All Nama Chanters Are Great

aho bata śva-paco ’to garīyān yaj-jihvāgre vartate nāma tubhyam
tepus tapas te juhuvuḥ sasnur āryā brahmānūcur nāma gṛṇanti ye te

“O, how astonishing and worshipable are even dog-eaters if they chant Krishna nama! They have already performed all kinds of austerities and yajnas, cultivated good saintly virtues, bathed in all tirthas, and studied all Vedas”. (Srimad Bhagavatam 3.33.7/Caitanya Caritamrita 2.11.192)

Sripada Vallabhacarya tika (Sri Subodhini): Devahuti says, “By birth, class or conduct a chandala cannot compare with a Brahmin. However, the chandala is greater if he is chanting Krishna’s Divine Names. A complacent satisfied Brahmin performs actions for his own benefit. He may not chant Krishna’s names due to pride, ego or his status in society! In this way, he does not become a Krishna bhakta.

Sri Visvanatha Cakravartipada tika: The outcaste who chants even incompletely just one name of Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the best. He is a guru, and fully qualified to teach the mantra and the holy name to others i.e. diksa-guru. Amara-kosha says anūcura (line 2 of the verse above) means “a teacher, a person proficient in recitation of the Vedas with its angas.”

In prior lives the chandalas must have performed all types of yajnas and tapas, so now they no longer need to perform them nor will they do so in the future.

Srimad Bhagavatam Maha Purana ki jai! Hari Kathamrta ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

From the sweet ocean of Srila Visvanatha Cakravartipada’s tikas on Srimad Bhagavatam, we have collected some of the most rare and incredibly amazing jewels—each one glittering with a uniquely soothing and enlightening effulgence. So now please bask in their beneficial rays and rejuvenate your soul! For easier understanding and reference, the gems are presented by category.

Bhagavat Preachers:

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti said, “For establishing attachment to Sukadeva, (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.2) says that Sukadeva entered into the minds of all living entities (sarva-bhūta-hṛdayaṁ munim) by his yogic power.

‘’ ‘So let Sukadeva also enter my heart and speak the Bhagavatam through my mouth, as he once entered into dull trees and replied as an echo to pacify his father calling him back from the forest. May that Sukadeva also enter my heart and thereby please the intellects of all hearers of the Bhagavatam.’

“Before speaking, all Bhagavat katha vacakas should also meditate [and pray] in the same way.”

Srimad Bhagavatam prema amrita ki jai! Sastra Pramanam Amalam ki jai! Radha Govinda Yugala ki jai!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

When Sri Sri 108 Pandit Sri Krishna Das Babaji Maharaja, Bhakti-tirtha was about 15 years old, three desires (sankalpas) mysteriously arose in his mind: “I will worship Radha-Krishna in the mood of gopi-bhava,” “I will study Srimad Bhagavatam!” “And I will chant Harinama and do Sankirtana!”

As a tender teen, Babaji Maharaja had no idea what is gopi-bhava. Nor did he know that the rest of long life of 101 years would be spent realizing these three desires. From where did these three beautiful, transcendental sankalpas come from? Bhagavan Sri Krishna answers in Sri Gita (6.44): purva abhyasena tenaiva, hriyate hy avaso pi sah, “Because of performing bhakti yoga sadhana in a prior life, one is automatically attracted to the same practices in this life.”

In 1918 (Magha Sukla Trayodashi), Babaji Maharaja appeared in Dakshina Khanda, West Bengal near the village of Gaura-Govinda nitya-parisada Sri Narahari Sarkar Thakura. Babaji Maharaja appeared in wealthy Brahmin family of Krishna bhaktas hailing from the Kasyapa and Shandilya gotras. At the age of five, Babaji Maharaja lost his mother and was raised by his grandparents.

In 1940, Babaji Maharaja graduated with honors from high school, and then stayed home managing the family estate. Most of the day, he chanted Sri Sri Radha-Krishna Nama (aka Hare Krishna maha-mantra).

Babaji Maharaja recalls those days saying, “I felt so much bliss in my mind while chanting Hare Krishna that I lost all interest in material life. I decided that I will leave home, become a sadhu and live in a Himalayan cave doing bhajan like Dhruva and Prahlada Maharaja.”

“Detecting my mood of detachment, my uncle gave me a Gita to read, hoping that I would learn about duty, stay home, get married and so on. However, the Gita had the opposite effect and after reading it, especially 9.33, 18.65-66, I became even more determined to leave home and become a sadhu.”

“Then one night Radha-Krishna appeared in my dream. They looked very beautiful dancing together in a most exquisite and attractive way. I moved towards them, but then They vanished, leaving me with an intense thirst to see them again.”

A short time later, Babaji Maharaja’s uncle’s baby of two years old was visiting his home. He gazed at Baba and suddenly surprisingly said in a most distinct way, “Dada! I give you a blessing: Become a sadhu!” At first, Babaji Maharaja couldn’t believe his ears, but then he thought that Bhagavan Sri Krishna must be speaking through that baby’s mouth.

“Being a young Indian boy, however, I was afraid to leave home and I worried about getting food and shelter. Then Krishna appeared in a dream holding a club and said, ‘Don’t worry or fear. Just leave home and become a sadhu. If anyone tries to harm you, I will destroy them with this club!’”

Babaji Maharaja left home and went to Gaya for Visnu darsana, Ganga snana, then on to Haridvar where he arrived after a month of walking. Babaji Maharaja lived on the bank of Ganga under a tree, and in a garden house offered by a sympathetic devotee. Babaji Maharaja passed a few years in Haridvar staying in different places, chanting Hare Krishna and studying Bhagavad-gita.

Babaji Maharaja then came to Vrndavana Dhama in 1940 and did Vraja parikrama subsisting on madhukari before settling in Cakalesvara, Govardhana. There Babaji Maharaja met a niskincana sadhu who lived doing bhajan and madhukari.

Feeling the utmost respect and attraction to him, Babaji Maharaja took diksa from that Gaudiya Vaisnava saint named Sri Sri 108 Sanatana Das Babaji Maharaja, who was the favorite vesh disciple of the famous Govinda Kunda Siddha Baba 108 Sri Sri Manohara Das Babaji.

In 1941, Babaji Maharaja took sannyasa (babaji vesh) before Sri Raghnuatha Dasa Goswami’s Samadhi. Babaji Maharaja spent time with his guru in Radha Kunda and Govardhana studying sastra in the association of Sri Kunjabihari Das Babaji, Gaura-Gopala Dasji, Sri Dina Sarana Maharaja, Priyacharana Dasji Maharaja, Parameshvara Dasji Maharaja, and Sri Advaita Das Babaji Maharaja.

Babaji Maharaja studied Sanskrit for a few years in Vrndavana and received degrees in Sanskrit vyakarana, Vaisnava darsana tirtha and became a Bhagavata acarya. Returning to Govardhana Govinda Kunda, Babaji Maharaja did bhajan, and served his Guru and the other great Govardhana nivasi bhajananadi sadhus staying at Govinda Kunda.

Not only was Babaji Maharaja an amazing Pandita, a strict vairagi and a perfect gentle man, he was expert in cooking, book keeping and managing entire temples and ashrams. Appreciating Babaji Maharaja’s superb scholarship, honesty and impeccable behavior several Vrndavana temple trusts requested his service as mahanta.

For 35 years, Babaji Maharaja selflessly served as the Mahant of the Gwalior Mandir, Kusuma Sarovara; Mahant of Siddha Manohara Das’s temple in Govinda Kunda, and the Radha-Syamasundara Mandir in Prema Sarovara.

Of his 101 years as a sadhu sannyasi, Babaji Maharaja did Radha-Krishna bhajan in Vraja Mandala for 80 years. All his belongings fit into one shoulder bag. Babaji Maharaja never had a bank account, personal kutira or any land. He wandered here and there living a complete vairagi life—sometimes staying in Govinda Kunda, Radha Kunda, Kusuma Sarovara, Prema Sarovara and Varsana.

He initiated many devotees, wrote several books on Gaudiya Vaisnava tattva, sadhana and sadhya, and often went to Bengal, Assam and other places to discourse on the Srimad Bhagavatam, and preach suddha Radha-Krishna bhakti bhajan, and the prema dharma introduced by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

During his long life Babaji Maharaja freely taught Sanskrit and the secrets of the Srimad Bhagavatam to scores of eager brahmacaris and Babajis. As a service whenever Babaji Maharaja was requested by other Gurus like Sri Sri 108 Pandit Sri Ananta Dasji Maharaja, he would give sannyasa vesh (bheka) to their disciples.

Babaji Maharaja was a gentle, humble, unassuming sadhu with a fantastic memory of slokas from the Bhagavatam, Gita and other sastra. He deeply knew all the Gaudiya Vaisnava siddhantas, and he would compassionately share his vast wisdom with anyone seeking his shelter.

Babaji Maharaja constantly stressed the need to take complete shelter in Harinama; always be completely humble; never offend any Vaisnava; and always remember the nitya-lilas of Radha Govinda Yugala. Govinda-lilamrta and Sri Raghnuatha Dasa Goswami’s Stavavali were his constant companions.

Babaji Maharaja satisfied the thirst of all seekers who came for his darsana. He emanated friendly warmth, care, and oceans of wisdom. Babaji Maharaja treated everyone like his own, making sure each and every devotee was satisfied and comfortable. And most importantly before leaving his sublime association, everyone just had to take Krishna prasadam, which he often personally served with the utmost love.

On January 11, 2019, at 7.10 A.M. Srimati Radharani came to Babaji Maharaja’s kutira in Varsana, and said, “Hey Baba! Now come with Me. We have to go to Nandagrama to cook breakfast for Sri Nandanandana.”

And thus Babaji Maharaja’s incredibly long life of Harinama, Gopi-Bhava and Bhagavata came to a beautiful close. He fulfilled his three sankalpas, perfected his bhakti sadhana bhajan, and went to Goloka Vrndavana to blissfully serve His beloved Radha Govinda Yugala for time eternal!
108 Sri Sri Pandit Sri Krishna Das Babaji Maharaja, Bhakti-tirtha ki jai!
Jai Jai Sri Radhe! Jai Gurudeva! Jai Gurudeva! Jai Gurudeva!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

From the sweet ocean of Srila Visvanatha Cakravartipada’s tikas on Srimad Bhagavatam, we have collected some of the most rare and incredibly amazing jewels—each one glittering with a uniquely soothing and enlightening effulgence. So now please bask in their beneficial rays and rejuvenate your soul! For easier understanding and reference, the gems are presented by category.

Bhagavat Preachers:

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti said, “For establishing attachment to Sukadeva, (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.2) says that Sukadeva entered into the minds of all living entities (sarva-bhüta-hådayam munim) by his yogic power.

‘’ ‘So let Sukadeva also enter my heart and speak the Bhagavatam through my mouth, as he once entered into dull trees and replied as an echo to pacify his father calling him back from the forest. May that Sukadeva also enter my heart and thereby please the intellects of all hearers of the Bhagavatam.’

“Before speaking, all Bhagavat katha vacakas should also meditate [and pray] in the same way.”

Srimad Bhagavatam prema amrita ki jai! Sastra Pramanam Amalam ki jai! Radha Govinda Yugala ki jai!

Mahanidhi Swami

Did you know that not less than 7 siddha dehas are clearly described in the SrimadBhagavatam? Yes, it’s absolutely true—confirmed by the highest authority: the Bhagavata, which is the topmost, perfect shastra pramanam, amala Purana and the Pāramahaṁsa-saṁhitā.

Whether one is a Sri Krishna krpa-patra or a spiritually perfected bhakta sadhaka, he/she WILL ATTAIN a beautiful and divine siddha svarupa or SIDDHA DEHA. By the mercy of Sri Guru and Bhagavan Sri Krishna, the following personalities attained siddha dehas and went eternally to the spiritual sky:


evaṁ kṛṣṇa mater brahman, nāsaktas yāma lātmanaḥ
kālaḥ prā durabhūt kale, taḍit saudāmanī yathā

“O Brahmin Vyasa! Giving up all material attachments, I focused my pure mind completely on Sri Krishna and gave up my material body. Instantly, without any time interval at all, I received my spiritual body (siddha deha), like lightning flashing simultaneously with lightning.

prayujyamāne mayitāṁ, śuddhāṁ bhāgavatīṁ tanum
ārabdha karma nirvāṇo, nyapatat pāñca-bhautikaḥ

“Having been awarded a transcendental body befitting an associate of Bhagavan Sri Vishnu, my material body made of five material elements and my karmas fell away.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.6.27-28)

Sridhar Swami tika:

The verse word prayujyamāne means that the siddha deha was personally brought by Bhagavan Sri Vishnu [from Vaikuntha] and given or awarded to Narada Muni at death.

Srila Visvanatha Cakravartitika:

Previously, after once giving His sakshad darshana to the boy sadhaka, Narada Muni, Bhagavan Sri Vishnu disappeared and spoke invisibly from the sky (akashvani), saying, “O Narada, when you give up this body of low birth, you will become My associate.” (SB 1.6.23) Here in verse 28, Sri Vishnu fulfills His promise as Narada Muni simultaneously gives up his material body and receives the spiritual body, siddha deha.


“Hearing the arrangements of Sri Krishna and the proper situation of the Yadu family, without others knowing, Yudhiṣṭhira fixed his mind on attaining Krishna’s abode.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.15.32)


The word svah in this verse (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.15.32) usually refers to the celestial heavens, but here it means the spiritual realm of Vaikuntha, as proven four chapters later (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.19.20), which says, “sad yojahur bhagavat pārśva kāmāḥ, “The Pandavas attained Krishna’s abode in the spiritual sky.”


Just see the inconceivable and most astonishing compassion of Bhagavan Sri Krishna! A baby-killing, blood-sucking witch came to kill Him, yet Sri Krishna mercifully gave Putana a spiritual body as a nursemaid [dhatri] assistant to Yashodamaya in GolokaVrindavana.

aho bakī yaṁ stana kāla kūṭaṁ,
jighāṁs ayāpāya yadap yasādhvī
lebhe gatiṁ dhātry ucitāṁ ta tonyaṁ,
kaṁvā dayāluṁ śaraṇaṁ vrajema

Sri Uddhavji said, “O! The most evil Pūtanā, intent on killing Krishna, offered her poisonous breast to Krishna, yet she attained the position of a nurse in the spiritual world. Who else can be as merciful as Bhagavan Sri Krishna? Thus I surrender to Krishna!” (Srimad Bhagavatam 3.2.23]


Here Bhagavata describes the Vishnu/Krishna premi-sadhaka (anuragi Vaisnava) who experiences ecstatic symptoms of divine love just before leaving the material body to attain Vaikuntha and a spiritual form, siddha deha.

yac ca vrajantya-nimiṣām-ṛṣabh-ānuvṛttyā,

Sri Brahmaji said, “The dedicated followers of Bhagavan Sri Vishnu have transcended the rules and regulations (durayama) of yoga meditation and other austerities and even surpassed us. Possessing the most excellent qualities, they cry incessantly due to their intense attraction for Hari-katha and then enter Vaikuntha [which means attaining a siddha deha].” (Srimad Bhagavatam 3.15.25)


Immediately on the spot, by the inconceivable shakti of Sri Vishnu, Balak Dhruva’s human body underwent transfiguration and became a spiritual body in this most amazing chapter of Srimad Bhagavatam.

parīt-yābhyarcya-dhiṣ-ṇyāgryaṁ, pārṣad-āva-bhivandya ca
iyeṣa tad adhiṣṭhātuṁ, bibhrad-rūpaṁ-hiraṇmayam

“Before boarding the transcendental Vaikuntha airplane, Balak Dhruva circumambulated and worshiped it; offered respects to the Vishnu parshads (associates); and assumed a golden form. Then that plane delivered him to Dhruvaloka, an outpost of Vaikuṇṭha within the material atmosphere.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 4.12.29)

Srila Visvanatha Cakravart itika:

Balak Dhruva worshipped the Vaikuntha airplane by offering flowers dipped in chandan while saying “Bhagavad vimānāya-namaḥ.”


After 80 years of grossly sinful life, the Brahmin Ajamila was saved from hell by Bhagavan Sri Vishnu. Then he went to Haridvartirtha to perform intense Vishnu bhakti bhajana. At death, he got a siddha svarupa [siddha deha] and liberation to Vaikuntha.

hitvā-kalevaraṁ-tīrthe, gaṅgā-yāṁ-darśan-ādanu
sadyaḥ-svarūpaṁ-jagṛhe, bhagavat-pārśva-vartinām

“After seeing the Vishnuduttas [messengers of Bhagavan Sri Vishnu], Ajamila gave up his body at Haridvara by Ma Ganga, and immediately attained a spiritual body as an associate of Bhagavan Sri Vishnu.”

Śrīnātha Cakravartī (Mahaprabhuparshad and Sri Advaita Prabhu shishya) said, the verse word SADYA means a seamless transfer; it occurred immediately without any break.

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das:

The Sanskrit word meanings in this verse are crystal clear.

Sadya; immediately Ajamila got it i.e. siddha deha.

Sva-rūpam; means his own individual spiritual form i.e. the siddha deha or “the siddha svarupa” as Sri RupaGosvami describes it in Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu.

Jagṛhe; means Ajamila adopted or assumed it.

Bhagavat-pārśva-vartinām; means Ajamila attained a spiritual body as an associate of Bhagavan Sri Vishnu i.e. samipya-mukti.


A couple of boys, a fiendish witch and a fallen papi Brahmin all got the mercy of Sri Krishna and attained spiritual bodies, siddha dehas, in the spiritual realm. Now just observe how the line of divine krpa extends even to beasts, as Sri Vishnu liberates a suffering jungle elephant.

yaṁ dharma-kāmārtha-vimukti-kāmā,
karotu me ‘dabhra-dayo-vimokṣaṇam

Hati Gajendra prayed, “Persons desiring dharma, artha, kāma and mokṣa worship Bhagavan Sri Vishnu/Krishna, attain assorted material benedictions, the treasure of prema and a spiritual body too. May that unlimitedly merciful Bhagavan Sri Vishnu/Krishna also liberate me from samsara and give me an imperishable spiritual body [dehamavyayaṁ], siddha deha.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 8.3.19)

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti tika:

Devotees having material desires also serve Sri Krishna. They desire dharma, kāma, artha and liberation which they get by worshipping Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Besides that, they also receive the most cherished goal of Krishna prema.

The Bhagavata says, “Bhagavan Sri Vishnu certainly gives the objects desired by His devotees. However, He gives them in such a way that the devotee, after enjoying them, will not ask for them again. Even though they don’t desire them, Sri Krishna lovingly gives His lotus feet to such motivated worshipers. (Srimad Bhagavatam 5.19.27)

Bhagavan Sri Vishnu gives the desired material objects, and also gives them a spiritual body as He did with Dhruva and others. Thus Sri Vishnu is unlimitedly merciful.

mmgd: The siddha deha that Gajendra prayed for here was attained in the next chapter of SrimadBhagavatam. This is a very very important point for sadhakas of bhakti. Following Gajendra’s example of intentionally praying to Sri Krishna for a siddha deha, we too should pray to Sri Krishna to kindly and mercifully reveal our personal siddha dehas.

However, unlike Gajendra, who seeing his life about to end in the jaws of the crocodile of death, prayed once at death to attain a siddha deha, sincere sadhakas SHOULD PRAY EVERDAY to Sri Krishna to please reveal their individual and beautiful siddha dehas right here and right now.

gajendro-bhagavat-sparśād, vimukto ‘jñāna-bandhanāt
prāpto-bhagavato-rūpaṁ, pīta-vāsāś-catur-bhujaḥ

“Because Bhagavan Sri Vishnu directly touched HatiGajendra, the elephant was totally freed from ignorance and samsara. Gajendra attained the Vaikuntha liberation of svarupya-mukti, i.e. the same transcendental bodily features as Sri Vishnu with four hands and a brilliant yellow dress.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 8.4.6.)


Can anyone imagine the tremendous power, beauty and sweetness of bhakti in any form, be it karma/jnanamishra bhakti, shuddha-bhakti or even deceitful devotion masking murderous intents? Disregarding all mixed motives, Bhagavan Sri Vishnu/Krishna kindly purifies His worshipers, humbly fulfills their material desires, and gives them eternal spiritual forms in Vaikuntha even if they aren’t desiring them.

Children, sinful Brahmins, sincere sadhakas, prakrta-bhaktas, murderous witches and even beasts like elephants—all get the mercy and attain the spiritual sky by the infinite, divine compassion of Sri Vishnu/Krishna.

“O Sri Krishna, remembering all these success stories of Srimad Bhagavatam, I too hope one day to receive a drop of Your mercy, the embrace of Your love, and a spiritual form too. Please, O Sri Krishna, please, O please, don’t neglect this one piteously crying in Your divya dhama!” (verses from madan-gopal blogspot)

Sri Krishna krpa ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Madan Gopal Das

One of the oldest and most famous Gaudiya Vaisnava scholars in Vraja today is 99 year old Pandita Sri Krishna Dasa Babaji Maharaja, Bhakti-tirtha.

Srila Prabhupada and Pandita Sri Krishna Dasji became friends in the 1960’s after meeting in Bon Maharaja’s college in Vrindavana. A few years ago, Pandita Baba recounted his memories of Prabhupada for a book titled, “Our Srila Prabhupada—A Friend to All”.

Here we share those memories, and invite our readers to relish the sweet and sometimes humorous exchanges between the liberated ones.

Pandit Sri Krishna Dasa Babaji:

“I was a Sanskrit student and scholar in the early 1960’s, and I often visited Bon Maharaja’s Sanskrit college, which was across from where the ISKCON temple is now. At that time, Srila Swami Maharaja also was living in Sri Vrindavana Dhama. He was writing translations and purports to the beginning three volumes of his Srimad Bhagavatam series in the English language.

“At the college, there was an informal gathering of local Gaudiya and Vrajavasi scholars and writers who met regularly every few weeks or each month to share their work and ask for suggestions regarding the Sanskrit or whatever. I attended those writers’ meetings and so did Srila Swami Maharaja. That is how we began our acquaintance and friendship.

“I remember how delightful his countenance was. Swamiji was very charming, and full of realization, humor and affection. He was so kind upon me. I was a much younger man, junior in all ways. Yet Swamiji treated me just like a son or a very little brother. He always encouraged me, asked about my welfare, and shared hari-katha from his writings.

“He was a valuable friend during that time. Although his material circumstances were then so poor, he always seemed to me to be one of the richest devotees in spiritual blessings. He was a very learned and humble Vaisnava. He worked very diligently on his manuscripts, and often spoke about the order from his guru maharaja, His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada.

“I have one special remembrance of something that occurred during our regular meetings at Bon Maharaja’s college. Swamiji had every intention to somehow spread this Krishna knowledge in the West, despite all obstacles.

“He would often speak of this task of service, and was always looking for opportunities to somehow arrange to travel there. Most of us at that time were quite doubtful that he could succeed to go. He was practically penniless then, without sponsors or connections. Many of us were not so favorable for any Indian to go to the mleccha [western] countries, so we did not encourage him. Nevertheless, he was undaunted.

“I recall how Swamiji came one day in great happiness and excitement. I think he had just completed his third volume of the Srimad Bhagavatam and he was carrying all three in his hands. He then explained to our group how he had finally printed the last texts and now the books were ready to go to the West.

“In a very sweet way, he formally asked if we would all please bless his books that they would be able to go across the ocean and be successful in spreading Krishna consciousness in the western countries. Of course, we were willing to do that. So he carefully passed around the stack of three, brick-red, cloth bound books, and asked each of us to touch them and give our blessings, which we did.

“Immediately after this he did something quite remarkable. Swamiji explained with deep seriousness how these Bhagavata books, now blessed, could not go across the ocean by themselves. Someone would have to take them to the west, popularize them, and distribute them properly to the public. So he then humbly requested, with folded palms, that our assembly would also bless him to accompany the books and preach on their behalf. In this way he took us all by surprise.

“We all then felt moved to finally give our full blessings to his mission. I thought at that time how remarkable a Vaisnava he was, to request such blessings and to arrange for receiving them so wonderfully. I remember when I gave my blessings to him, I felt a spiritual surcharge in my heart.

“Many years later, and now still it stands strongly in history how Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja [Srila Prabhupada] was successful in carrying our heritage and philosophy to the whole world. I feel honored to have been some very small part of that glorious success.”

Srila Prabhupada ki jai! Pandit Sri Krishna Dasji Babaji Maharaja ki jai!

Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami


Bhagavan Sri Krishna is a blissful, carefree, playful, naughty and romantic eternally dazzling youth of sweet sixteen.

Srimad Bhagavatam (10.55.28) describes how the Dvaraka queens of Krishna became bashful, and hid themselves here and there upon seeing the teenaged Pradyumna (Krishna’s son) whom they mistook to be their husband Sri Krishna.

Sri Jiva Goswami said, “Sri Krishna does not age beyond the kaishora period (ages 10-16).” (tika: SB 10.45.3) To be exact, the 19th century Gaudiya Vaisnava acharya Siddha Krishnadasa Tatapada said, “Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s eternal age is 15 years, 9 months, seven and a half days!”


In an amazing Bhagavata tika (SB 10.45.3), Gaudiya Vaisnava mahajana Sri Jiva Goswami reveals the exact age of Sri Krishna during some of His spectacular pastimes. To please the ears and hearts of our devoted friends, we offer the following:


AGE 7:

Summer, Sri Krishna killed Pralambasura.

AGE 8:

Ashvina Month (Sept-Oct); Sri Krishna played flute.

Karttika Month (Oct-Nov); Sri Krishna lifted Mount Govardhana (although Vrajavasis there exclaimed that Krishna was only seven years old).

Karttika sukla ekadashi: Indra and Surabhi bathed Sri Krishna and gave name “Govinda”.

Karttika sukla dvadashi: Sri Krishna went to Varuna’s kingdom to rescue Nanda Baba.

Karttika Purnima: Sri Krishna immersed His Vrajavasis devotees in the lake Brahma-hrada to show them the spiritual realm and Krishnaloka.

Karttika Mrgashirsha month: During the winter season, Sri Krishna stole the Vraja kanyas clothing.

Next summer: In the summer of his eighth year, Sri Krishna gave mercy to the Yajna patnis, wives of the brahmanas.

AGE 9:

Ashvina month (autumn, sharada season) In his ninth year, Sri Krishna enjoyed the rasa dance.

Phalguna month: (Krishna caturdashi, Shiva Ratri) Krishna went to Ambikä-vana in Vraja to rescue Nanda Baba from snake.

Phalguna Holi Purnima: Krishna kills Shankhacuda.

AGE 10:

In his tenth year, Sri Krishna performed pastimes as He pleased.

AGE 11:

Caitra Month: (march-april) On Purnima, Krishna killed Arishtasura [and also manifested Radha-kunda] [Krishna’s “running age” although was still age 10]

Year later, Sri Krishna killed Keshi, last demond killed in Vraja, on Phalguna sukla dwadasi. On Trayodashi, Uncle Akrura took Krishnaji to Mathura. The next day on  Phalguna chaturdashi, Sri Krishna killed Kamsa. Once Krishna enters His kaishora period, He does not age beyond that.

Nitya nava-yauvanam, saundarya swarupam Bhagavan Sri Krishna ki jai! Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

Srila Prabhupada lived and breathed the Bhagavatam. And out of his love and compassion, he distributed its nectarean teachings throughout the world.

His Divine Grace spent the last fifteen years of his life translating, writing commentaries, and constantly speaking on the most fulfilling philosophy of the Bhagavatam. In the middle of the night at 1 a.m., Srila Prabhupada would rise and start translating the Sanskrit slokas of the Bhagavatam into English. Then he would write his commentaries after consulting the comments of Sridhara Swami, Sri Sanatana Gosvami, Sri Jiva Gosvami and Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura.

Srila Prabhupada introduced daily Sanskrit verse recitation and classes on the Srimad Bhagavatam in each of the 108 Radha-Krishna temples he established. At any time of the day in some country around the globe, Krishna devotees are sitting together in some ISKCON temple to hear the Bhagavata philosophy in their local languages of English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Japanese, Chinese, Swahili, Telegu and many others. ISKCON’s Bhaktivedanta Book Trust has published and distributed millions of copies of Srimad Bhagavatam in over fifty languages to benefit the world.

Srila Rupa Gosvami says hearing the Bhagavatam (bhagavata-sravana) is one limb of panca-anga bhakti, the five most powerful means of attaining Krishna-prema. Realizing this, Srila Prabhupada published the KRSNA book, a translation and commentary on the entire Tenth Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, as one of his first books in 1969.

Indeed, Srila Prabhupada was so fond of the Tenth Canto that he instituted the daily reading of his KRSNA book in every ISKCON temple. Each night before sleeping, all the ashram devotees would sit together, honor hot milk prasadam and listen to the KRSNA book.

O what joy! And what satisfaction we all felt just by hearing the action-packed tales of Sri Krishna, the sweet Lord of Vrndavana! Afterwards, everyone would fall asleep and have happy dreams, the sweetest dreams in creation.

Srila Prabhupada introduced such a simple and sublime formula for attaining spiritual perfection. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to KRSNA book!

In the Preface to KRSNA book, Srila Prabhupada writes, “We therefore request everyone to take advantage of this great transcendental literary work. One will find that by reading one page after another, an immense treasure of knowledge in art, science, literature, philosophy and religion will be revealed, and ultimately, by reading this one book, KRSNA, love of Godhead will fructify.”

Good fortune brought a KRSNA book into my hands in 1974, and it was love at first reading. The pastimes of Radha-Krishna purely presented Prabhupada melted our hearts and attracted our wayward minds to the peerless path of bhakti. Enchanted by this transcendental prankster named Krishna, we innocently began a relationship with Krishna through the pages of the Tenth Canto.

Little did we know that forty years later we would still be following that beautiful blue boy and His glorious golden girlfriend, and worshiping that Divine Couple and Their eternal pastimes so beautifully portrayed in the Tenth Canto. We simply cannot read enough about Radha-Krishna. All other topics, hackneyed news and books seem pale and unattractive compared to the colorful emotional panorama of Krishna’s variegated lilas portrayed in the Bhagavata.

The Tenth Canto is one big gushing fountain of sweet nectar that spins the mind and sends the heart on wings to the lotus feet of Radha-Syama. Srimad Bhagavatam ki jai!

Srila Visvanatha Cakravartipada wrote commentaries on the entire Srimad Bhagavatam which he titled “Sarartha Darshini”, which means to see (darshana) the essential (sara) object (artha). It also means to understand and realize the essence of everything, namely Sri Krishna, His loving service and the attainment of Krishna’s eternal, blissful abode named Sri Vrindavana.

The Gaudiya Vaisnava Abhidhana describes Sarartha Darshini: “This book reveals the most confidential meanings of the Srimad Bhagavatam, and gives immense pleasure to the Vaisnavas. With unparalleled genius, Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura imparts a deep understanding of the sweet mellows of shuddha bhakti.

“In his commentaries, Srila Visvanatha Cakravartipada reveals his own internal mood and how to extract the sublime mellows of the Bhagavata. It is my [Sri Haridas Dasji] conviction that of the 130 different tikas on the Srimad Bhagavatam, those of Sri Sanatana Gosvami and Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura are the best!”

In the following passage, Srila Prabhupada mentions the incredible benefit one will receive by reading Krishna’s pastimes in the Tenth Canto. Surely anyone who reads Sarartha Darshini will also attain the same wonderful result. Srila Prabhupada: “Krishna pastimes are so powerful that simply by hearing, reading and memorizing this book, KRSNA, one is sure to be transferred to the spiritual world!“ (KRSNA ch. 90)

O devotees, please read more about Radha-Krishna, remember more and tell others. Get absorbed and go crazy over Krishna katha! May everyone become completely attached to Radha-Syama, and enter the eternally blissful abode of madhurya-lila—VRINDAVANA!

Grantha Raja Srimad Bhagavatam ki jai!

Krishna’s Smiling Face Tenth Canto ki jai!

Jai Jai Sri Radhe!

Mahanidhi Swami

Quoting the verse below, which he did 67 times, Srila Prabhupada perfectly explains the mission of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

The golden avatar of love divine appeared in this world to preach gopi bhava, and the worship of Radha-Krishna following the example of the Vraja-gopis. Mahaprabhu also taught the worship of Vrindavana, Srimad Bhagavatam and the Vaisnavas.

Srila Prabhupada and all Gaudiya Vaisnavas accept that this one verse contains the entire philosophy (sambandha, adhidheya, prayojana) of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. It is Krishna consciousness in a nutshell. And every Gaudiya Vaisnava should study, memorize, realize and preach this most important verse written by Srinatha Cakravarti, Sri Advaita Prabhu’s shishya and Mahaprabhu’s direct associate.

Please study the passages below wherein Srila Prabhupada summarizes the mission of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. People often ask, “What is Krishna Consciousness?” This verse gives the true and complete meaning of “Krishna consciousness” because it contains the sweet essence of our Gaudiya Vaisnava philosophy.

This is what Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came to give, to teach, to taste and to experience. To know the meaning of this verse and to follow it means you are a Gaudiya Vaisnava!

aradhyo bhagavan vrajesa-tanayas, tad-dhama vrindavana,

ramya kacid upasana, vraja-vadhu-vargena ya kalpita,

srimad-bhagavatam pramanam amalam, prema pum-artho mahan

sri-caitanya-mahaprabhor matam idam, tatradarah na parah

Sri Srinatha Cakravarti said, “Nandanandana Sri Krishna is the topmost object of worship, and His abode of Vrindavana is equally worshipable. The young married brides of Vrindavana, the Vraja-gopis, showed the best way to worship Sri Krishna. The most authoritative source of divine revelation is the Srimad Bhagavatam. Krishna prema, pure love of God, is the fifth and ultimate goal (panchama-artha) of human life. This is the essence of the philosophy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, so we consider this doctrine to be supreme.”

Srila Prabhupada comments on this most important verse: “Chaitanya Mahaprabhu says, ramya kacid upasana, vraja-vadhu-vargena ya kalpita,’ If you want to learn the process of worshiping and loving Krishna, just try to follow in the footsteps of the Vraja gopis, because their love for Krishna is the highest perfectional love of God; pure love for God.

“Here’s how they loved Krishna. Krishna was a cowherd boy, and Krishna and His friends and cows used to go to the pasturing ground for the whole day. Although gopis were at home and Krishna was miles away in the pasturing ground, the gopis were thinking, ‘Oh, Krishna’s feet are so soft! Now Krishna is walking on the rough ground, and the sharp pebbles are pricking Krishna’s foot soles. So Krishna must be feeling some pain.’

“Thinking in this way, the gopis used to cry. Just see, this is love! When Krishna returned, the gopis did not ask Him, ‘My dear Krishna, what have You brought us from Your pasturing ground? What is in Your pocket? Let us see.’ No! The gopis were simply thinking of how Krishna could be satisfied. The gopis used to dress themselves very nicely and go before Krishna. While dressing they would think, ‘Oh, Krishna will be happy to see me.’

“These are the loving affairs of Krishna and the gopis. Their relationship was so intimate and so unalloyed that Krishna Himself admitted, ‘My dear gopis, it is not in My power to repay you for your love.’ Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, yet He became bankrupt—Krishna could not repay His debt to the gopis. So the gopis possessed the highest perfection of love for Krishna.

“I am describing the mission of Lord Caitanya. Mahaprabhu is instructing us that the only lovable object is Krishna, the only lovable land is Vrindavana, and the process of loving Krishna is shown by the vivid example of the gopis. There are different stages of devotees, and the gopis are on the highest platform. And among the gopis, the supreme is Radharani. Therefore, nobody can surpass Radharani’s love for Krishna.”(SP: Folio TQE 7c)

Srila Prabhupada: “Lord Caitanya recommends, ‘As Krishna was worshiped by the damsels of Vrajadhama—that is the highest, topmost grade of worship because that was pure love.’ The damsels of Vraja loved Krishna so much, without any return. That’s a sublime thing. So Mahaprabhu recommended, ‘That is the highest form of worship.’”(SP: Folio 660729BG.NY)

Srila Prabhupada ki jai! Jai Jai Sri Radhe!