By: Mahanidhi Swami
One day in Varsana, Rasavati Rai heard the beckoning of Shyama’s sweet flute song. Enchanted with a desire to touch Damodara, Devi immediately gave up all other considerations. Vrishabhanunandini broke the bonds of Her superiors suspicious glances, forgot about Her husband’s home and quickly ran out to meet Her sweetheart.
Spreading over Radha’s head like a canopy of fire, the scorching summer sun shined directly on Swamini’s head and burned the sand below Her dainty feet. Though Sukumari’s body is as soft as butter and Her feet more tender than lotus petals, Radha, careless in love’s embrace, simply cried, “Hari! Hari!” and continued Her race.
Who can stop the course of love? As the celestial Ganga, Suratarangini, floods its banks with its powerful waves, the Suratarangini Sri, with its high waves of exquisite sweetness, powerfully rushes into the dark ocean—Shyama!
“Slow down Swamini! The path is full of pebbles and thorns,” warns Her confidante Sri Rupa. “Don’t go so fast! Walk a little slower, or You will hurt Your tender lotus feet.”
Suddenly Srimati catches the intoxicating aroma of Shyama’s body, and soars after it like a honeybee seeking a nectar lotus.
Meanwhile, Madhava anxiously waits, sitting on a jeweled platform within a solitary nikunja. Illuminating the kunja entrance with the golden splendor of Her divine form, Gaurangi arrives. Hearing Haripriya’s tinkling anklebells and seeing Her enter the kunja, Pyare-mohana drowns in a nectar ocean of eagerness.
Thrilled with Their mutual darshana, Yugala glance at each other with unsteady eyes welling with tears of love. Although Vamya Vallabhi is naturally unwilling, today Radha wraps Kanu in a tight hug of generosity. Locked in love’s embrace Vinoda and Vinodini resemble a lightning streak merged in a raincloud, or a black bee enjoying the honey of a golden lotus.
O, when will the fish of my eyes, astonished with such a sweet vision, swim in the nectar ocean of Sriji meeting Shyama?
Jay jay Sri Radhe